Since 2003 my coatings materials research focusses on hybrids and nano composites with the emphasis on colloidal aspects, in particular molecular self-assembly in aqueous phase and
lyotropic liquid crystal phases of anisotropic nanoparticles and bola-amphiphiles.
The picture shows a section of a methyl imogolite nanotube which apparently resembles a rolled kaolinite. However, contrary to the layered clay, the outer gibbsite layer is decorated with isolated silica tetrahedra on top of the lacunae and linked to three aluminum sites. Their apical Si-OH group (in natural imogolite) is actually a Si-CH
3 group from the precursor methyl trialkoxy silane.
Our trials to synthesize ethyl imogolite (and higher homologues) failed (unpublished work) and to the best of the author's knowledge ethyl imogolite hasn't been reported yet, in contrast to aminomethyl imogolite.